Singers & Care Partners

"My long time friend is a part of the program and so my Dad and I came to a concert and just fell in love. We joined as soon as we could, and it's been remarkable for both of us. Before joining GV we both had dreams of singing but were always too intimidated to follow through on that. And then we walked in the doors of a GV rehearsal, and the beauty of it is that regardless of your background or musicality everyone is welcome.
The choir is a safe space that creates a community where you can show up wherever you are at. The other day I heard my Dad tell his doctor that doing this every week is bringing him hope; it brought a tear to my eye. I couldn't agree more, Dad."
Mike and Andi Gair, Giving Voice Twin Cities Choir Members
Giving Voice Choruses
Defying dementia through music
Giving Voice exists to inspire & support the creation of choirs across the world for people living with Alzheimer's Disease and related dementias (ADRD) and their care partners.
Care partners often find themselves navigating unfamiliar terrain, trying to provide the best care possible while grappling with their own emotions and fears.
Our program at Giving Voice understands the importance of support for care partners. We offer a community where care partners can find solace, share experiences, and gain valuable insights from others who understand their journey.
At Giving Voice, we believe we need to think differently about dementia. We need to recognize that there is much life to experience after diagnosis. A life that includes friendship, laughter and joy. A life that includes hope and possibility.
We believe that music is the key to living well with dementia.